Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The Mysteries of life...

Some days I wake up feeling like an activist, thinking to myself "People need to do what they can to help the enviroment and stop global warming", other days I wake up thinking "Eventually our sun will implode into a black hole and consume the entire solar system, so whats the real point in it all anyway?". Most days however, I wake up thinking neither, but if they were to reflect how my day was to go on, today I definately woke up thinking the later. Maybe im just a procrastinator by nature to such an extent I dont even realise it, but I just couldn't get anything done. Im trying to put the "Coup de grĂ¢ce" (Wikipedia defines this as "a death blow intended to end the suffering of a wounded creature", which sounds about right) on my poster for this topic. Im happy with what i've produced so far, but its left me...uncomfortable. I should probably expand on that. I'm not talking about uncomfortable like when you find out the guy next door is a registered sex offender, or when you discover a third nipple. No, im not even talking about uncomfortable when you remove your headphones and hear the end of one of Harry and Bob's conversations. Something is missing, I havent been able to put my finger on it all day.

I like the layout, I even like the little quote I stole out of my shiney new book in a desperate attempt to justify the £21 I spent on it to myself. But its not a poster. Not yet. I tried adding a big Title in the middle, in a sort of "BANG" speech bubble (We've all seen the Adam West batman series, dont pretend you dont know what I mean). I tried some nice neat text at the top, I tried mixing up some text and shapes, but nothing has met my extremely mediocre standards yet.

That aside, I managed to get the cable for my camera sent to me, so im going to set the poster aside for a moment and get some more research down into my sketchbook. Its quite a pain, to be honest. I mean, obviously I went through a thought process to come to where I am, and I should show that in a sketch book, but my mind is a scary place, and I dont like going in there very much. I tend to act as a think, and not really make a note of how or why I do things. If I see something I like, I'll do something about it, I dont tend to sit and t
hink "Hmm, well, the contrast of colours of that Advocado are essentially bringing the rest of the image to life, the technique is marvelous, I must make a note of it", its more like "Do it".

It kind of reflects my personality. I direct this at you reader, because if someone is going to be reading it, its going to be someone from my class, which means you know me, which means you havent known me for long. I tend to do things as I think of them, so let me warn you, try to take most of the things I do and say with a pinch of salt. If I say something insulting, I probably didnt mean it. If I do something incredibly rude, such as set your automobile or other choice of transportation alight, I was probably just acting on an impulse. Why am
I even telling you this? I dont know, I just started typing and this is what I typed. The same goes for my personality. I was made aware (I dont notice them myself) last year, by a work collegue, that I have roughly 4 different "Personalities" and I switch between them on a whim. Now, I know we all like to think we're a little insane, its kind of the "In" thing these days isnt it? But like I said, its not something I noticed myself, it was pointed out to me by a work mate, and then confirmed by various others.

Speaking of which, it kind of makes you wonder, "Why do people always say "Im a little bit weird" or "Im a little bit geeky" or "Im a little bit insane" when you first meet them these days? Is it like an automated soc
ial defense we develop? You know, kind of like "If I tell him im a little insane then maybe he wont notice these giant tendrils pertruding from my forehead" or "If I tell her im a bit weird maybe she'll be ok with the fact that I have a baboons heart". But then, its even become COOL to be weird, you get people dressing up in these ridiculous outfits and acting in ridiculous ways that you just know they're putting it all on. I mean, Burberry! Have you ever seen anything stranger? If its socially acceptable to wear Burberry, I dont see why it would be frowned upon for me to run rampant in the streets weraring a cape waving a sword around. I dont think that sentence made much sense, but there is no way im going to go back and edit it.

So, lets talk animation for a second. Anyone in the class who's a fan of animation, I say this to you, check out the Studio Ghibili stuff. You've probably seen Spirited Away at some point in your life, whether you realise it or not, but they have produced some really incredible and beautiful feature length films. In terms of animation, my favorite by far is "Tales from E
arthsea". The Animation in this film is just incredible. It actually totally changed the way I think about animation. The film has pretty nice artwork too, and the story isnt too bad, but its clear the focus with this production was just a really immense deducation to incredible animation. Theres a "comfort" level there you just dont get from most animation. I wont explain what I mean by that now, but if your curious ask me. Of course, all their films are pretty intense, and all worth a watch. Of those I'd recommend watching as soon as possible, theres "Tales from Earthsea", "Spirited Away", "Howl's Moving Castle", "Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence" (this one sort of depends whether or not you enjoy anime or not, but its still worth a watch), "Princess Mononoke" and "Grave of the Fireflies". The studio has been animating since the mid 80's, so they've produced a really nice mix, which are all worth a watch. I mean, they've done loads more, all of which you should watch in my opinion, but take a look at those ones in particular.

Well, I could continue, but I need to crack on with some work, so yeh, on I crack. But first, a shower...

(When blogging from home, I will try to add a random picture I've drawn in the past or whipped up then and there, to spice things up a bit. This particular one was drawn to put on my bedroom door at home, to stop people from banging on my door and waking me up).

1 comment:

Emy Harris said...

You are a really good writer Joe! Im impressed with the style of writing. And the majority of what you wrote makes a lot of sense...the rest was padding but I totally 'get it'!
And the pic is cool. Looking forward to seeing more of them!